News Tips & Advice

Freshtix Adds Memberships

written by Keith Neely , almost 2 years ago
written by Keith Neely , almost 2 years ago
News Tips & Advice


Freshtix began life 5 years ago when our first client, the Atlanta Botanical Garden, needed a way for garden-members to purchase tickets to their annual Garden Lights, Holiday Nights attraction at a discounted, membership price. Only members received a discount on their tickets as part of their benefits package.

We created our propriety member-match functionality allowing their members to enter their email address and member ID or number when creating their Freshtix account. Our system recognized them as part of the member ‘customer group’ and offered them discounted tickets.

As non-members purchased tickets (at full price), they were presented with the benefits and ticket savings should they become a member. E.G. “Become a member and save XX on your tickets today!” Oftentimes becoming a member paid for itself with the amount you could save on tickets. This resulted in a record number of new members for the garden.

Previously, this feature was only available to our larger clients.

Today, we have made it available to everyone.

What Can I Use Memberships For?

Memberships can be used for several scenarios

  • Members get discounted tickets
  • Members get free tickets
  • Members can purchase up to XX tickets per event
  • Season ticket holders get free tickets
  • Season ticket holders get discounted tickets
  • Season ticket holders can purchase up to XX tickets per event

Create a Membership

It’s easy to create a new membership or season ticket level – simply give it a name, description and indicate how long it will last.

Freshtix Create Membership

Create A Price Type

When creating a price type (or a ticket) specify the member or season ticket holder price and any ticket limits

Member price

Additional Support

How to Find the Best Deals on Events & Tickets The Battle for the Best Ticket Selling Platform