Digital Marketing Event Management Event Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategies for Events, Venues, and Festivals

written by Keith Neely , 11 months ago

As your ticketing partner, we want you to sell as many tickets for your event as possible.  We find those events that take advantage of our recommended digital marketing strategies actually sell more tickets.

Marketing Strategies

There are two types of digital marketing for events we recommend:

  • Retargeting/Remarketing
  • Prospecting

1. Retargeting

Retargeting campaigns (or remarketing campaigns as they're sometimes called) show ads to potential patrons who have visited one of your web properties or the ticketing website but who haven't yet purchased a ticket. In marketing terms, they haven't converted. Retargeting campaigns help convert those interested in your event to ticket buyers. They came to your website and checked out your event and might even have made it to the ticketing page but, for whatever reason, didn't buy a ticket. Retargeting campaigns follow them around the web, displaying your ad to entice them to return and complete their purchase. Once they convert, the campaign stops.


2. Prospecting

Prospecting campaigns are used to find people who could be interested in your event. There are several ways to accomplish this. 

  • Google Adwords: Display your event/ad in search results when people search for your event or something similar. E.G. "beer festivals in Atlanta'

  • Display Ads - display an ad for your event on the websites people visit who might attend your event.

  • Upload the email addresses of all of your past ticket buyers to Google and Facebook/Instagram and show them ads for your events.

  • Upload the email addresses of all of your past ticket buyers to Google and Facebook/Instagram and tell the platform to find more people like them and show them ads for your events (lookalike audiences)


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Ready to sell more tickets to your next event? Get in touch with us, or begin by creating your account. Start by clicking the 'Create An Event' link at the top of the page.


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